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Nighthawks Cloud participated in NOVA Club Fair at Woodbridge Campus

On February 15th, 2023, Nighthawks Cloud participated in the Club Fair/Leadership Luncheon arranged by Student Government Association in The Nest.

The response from the crowd was overwhelming and beyond expectations.

Thanks to President Brian and his wife for the outstanding design of the tri-fold project board and General Secretary Sam for representing us in the event.

Celebration of the PI day with EC Members

We had the opportunity to gather around to celebrate PI day and participate in AWS Invent: Data and AI/ML edition.

Thanks to Club VP Fareshta, Admin of EC Group Kalani, Senior EC Member Paul, EC Member Diana, and EC Member Asharr for their delightful presence and active engagement in strategy development. Thanks to Women-in-STEM leader Emily for proposing this excellent idea of gathering during Spring break.

Workshop: Red Team vs. Blue Team

The Nighthawks Cloud Computing Club (NCCC) recently hosted a workshop on Red Team and Blue Team Fundamentals, shedding light on the core phases of cyberattacks. In this session, participants gained insights into the reconnaissance phase, where attackers gather information about their targets, followed by scanning, aimed at identifying vulnerabilities. The workshop also covered gaining and maintaining access phases, crucial for attackers, and the importance of clearing tracks to evade detection. By exploring these key aspects of cybersecurity, attendees acquired a fundamental understanding of offensive and defensive strategies in the ever-evolving landscape of digital security.

AWS Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing 2023

The Nighthawks Cloud Computing Club (NCCC) had the privilege of participating in an AWS Fusion Splicing Event, during which our members successfully obtained their AWS Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing certification. This event was a fantastic learning experience, providing valuable insights into the intricacies of fiber optic fusion splicing. The certification achieved by our members is a testament to their dedication and the knowledge gained from this event. It was an enriching experience that further bolstered their skillset, aligning perfectly with NCCC’s mission to equip members with practical expertise and hands-on training for success in the field.

DEFCON 31 CTF Qualifiers

The Nighthawks Cloud Computing Club (NCCC) had an impressive showing at DEFCON 31, a renowned hacking conference in Las Vegas. Under the guidance of Faculty Advisor Professor Islam, our members Calen, Muhammad, and Afraz competed in the DEFCON 31 Qualifiers, where they demonstrated exceptional skills. We’re excited to share that our team ranked among the top 10 percent in the DEFCON CTF Qualifiers. DEFCON is a globally recognized gathering of cybersecurity professionals, hackers, and enthusiasts, offering workshops, contests, and hacking challenges that push the boundaries of cybersecurity knowledge.

AWS DC Summit 2023

The AWS DC Summit 2023 was an unforgettable gathering of tech enthusiasts and industry leaders that left our club members with a lasting impression of innovation and collaboration. As one of the most anticipated events in the cloud computing world, it provided a platform for us to dive deep into the latest advancements in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and discover groundbreaking solutions for their businesses. With an impressive lineup of industry professionals and networking opportunities, the event fostered an environment where ideas flowed freely, knowledge was shared generously, and connections were forged.

Malware Analysis Using Containers

The Nighthawks Cloud Computing Club (NCCC) had the opportunity to delve into the world of malware analysis using containers, equipping our members with modern and secure techniques. This event was an invaluable learning experience, allowing us to explore the efficient and safe methods of dissecting malware. Through the use of containers, we gained practical insights into isolating and analyzing malicious software, honing our skills in identifying threats and bolstering our cybersecurity expertise. This knowledge is invaluable as we continue our journey in the realm of cloud computing and cybersecurity.

AWS Skill Talented Job Fair 2023

The Nighthawks Cloud Computing Club (NCCC) participated in the AWS Skill Talented Job Fair, emphasizing the paramount importance of networking within the technology sector. During the event, our members had the privilege of engaging with prominent industry leaders such as SkillStorm, NetAPP, and TEKsystems. These interactions opened doors to potential career opportunities for the club members. Our experience not only provided valuable insights into the current job market but also honed our networking skills, allowing us to explore various career avenues.

Busch Gardens

Nighthawks Cloud club is not just about work; we excel in balancing productivity with enjoyment. The club’s members understand that work-life balance is essential, and our trip to the amusement park exemplifies our commitment to team building and making memorable experiences together as a team.

Fall 2023 NVCC Club Tabling Event

In Fall 2023, Nighthawks Cloud club, along with their integral members from the EC-Council, joined the Club Tabling event at Woodbridge (WO). President of Manassas Campus Calen, alongside his executive board members, Lauren and Daniela, and Faculty Advisor, Professor Islam represented the Manassas club, President of Woodbridge Campus Muhammad represented the Woodbridge club. While the EC-Council members Diana, Asharr, and Alejandra, played a role as part of Nighthawks Cloud club’s comprehensive team. Club member Carlos contributed to the event’s success. This event not only served as a fantastic networking opportunity but also allowed for the promotion of mental health awareness, a cause that resonated with Nighthawks Cloud club. It was a collaborative effort that left a profound impact on the college community and showcased the power of working together toward shared goals.