To become a part of the NightHawks Cloud (NOVA Cloud Computing Club), you will need to join the NightHawks Cloud Discord server and complete the onboarding process. The onboarding process will require you to introduce yourself to the club, post a picture of your computer setup, share a photo from your last vacation trip, and, lastly, read the rules. Once the onboarding is completed, you will officially be a part of the NightHawks Cloud (NOVA Cloud Computing Club).

Click Here to Join the Club!

The hierarchy works as follows:

  • President: Assigned to each campus to organize events.
  • Secretary: Works with the President and the executive team to ensure everyone is communicating effectively.
  • Treasurer: Manages funds for their specific campus and assists the President and the Secretary in organizing campus events.
  • Executive team: Officers and Executive Committee members are responsible for managing the club, including welcoming new members and assisting in the selection of new officers.
  • Members: These are all the current members of the NightHawks Cloud who can participate in the monthly online meeting (which is held every third Friday of the month), ongoing/upcoming events, and the weekly in-person meeting (11 am – 8 pm) at the Trailside Building on the Manassas campus.

As part of the NightHawks Cloud, active members will have the opportunity to join events ranging from Cloud and Cybersecurity workshops to networking events, CTF competitions, and some outdoor/spirituality events such as table tennis tournaments.

To be an active or involved member in club activities, keep an eye out for polls or announcements posted in the announcements channel. React to the polls in the announcements to show interest in specific events or activities, so that the executive team has a better idea of the joining members for those specific events.

Becoming an Executive Committee (EC) member is not easy, and only exceptional members are chosen to be part of the Executive Committee based on their outstanding performance in the club. This performance is assessed by the Presidents, the advisor, and current EC members.